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MyEllevate in Boca Raton, FL

An Elevated Entrance

MyEllevate in Boca Raton, FL | The Optimization Centre

Whether you Zoom into presentations or travel to work or an event, your first impression matters. If you notice signs of a sagging jawline and loose neck, MyEllevate can give you the “Boss Babe” jawline you desire. Learn more about the Boca Raton MyEllevate minimally-invasive procedure at The Optimization Centre. Dr. Gregory Albert is an international plastic surgeon trailblazer and in-demand instructor who welcomes patients worldwide. Schedule your MyEllevate consultation today.

Minimally Invasive

What is MyEllevate?

MyEllevate is a unique procedure that elevates the muscles and tissues to provide an optimum contour for your neck and jawline, giving you a more sculpted profile. The MyEllevate method addresses neck bands, double chins, jowling, and laxity of the neck skin, sometimes known as a "turkey neck." Candidates for the MyEllevate procedure include those who have experienced some sagging in the neck but aren't ready to commit to a full neck or facelift, those who want a minimally invasive improvement option with a short recovery period, and those who have previously undergone a neck lift but are now experiencing some sagging again.

Boca Raton MyEllevate model looking in mirror

MyEllevate vs. Neck Lift

MyEllevate does not function as a neck lift. It is a minimally invasive surgery that reshapes and restores the jawline and tightens and firms the neck bands and glands. A Neck Lift requires incisions and skin removal. A Neck Lift is a lengthy surgical process, whereas MyEllevate is a painless, non-invasive technique that takes less than an hour.

MyEllevate at The Optimization Centre

Discover what makes The Optimization Centre different with personalized attention to our renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Albert. Look your best by working with the best. Schedule your private consultation in Boca Raton today.

Boost Your Profile

What can MyEllevate do?

MyEllevate uses a minimally invasive technique to refine and restore the neck area while maintaining your neck bands and glands, rejuvenating your jawline. Your procedure will take less than an hour, and there will be little recovery time. Many patients can resume their normal activities within a few days. Your refreshed appearance gives the impression you just returned from vacation rather than seeming like any apparent effort has been made.

Optimize Your Brand

Your MyEllevate Consultation

Your personal brand is the essence of how you define yourself. Let The Optimization Centre guide you through your aesthetic journey. Dr. Albert is a board-certified plastic surgeon who aims to deliver exceptional results. Schedule your consultation for MyEllevate in Boca Raton, FL, today.

Boca Raton MyEllevate model with brown hair

Jawline Contouring

MyEllevate Preparation and Procedure

The MyEllevate technique has about a one-hour completion time, is quite tolerable, and results in little to no swelling or bruising afterward. With the usual MyEllevate method, no incisions are made. Nevertheless, during your visit with Dr. Albert, he might suggest a hybrid experience combining MyEllevate with a modified Neck Lift, which involves making incisions behind the ear for more sophisticated sculpting and perhaps utilizing an energy device for enhanced skin tightening.

Then comes the revolutionary ICLED® light guiding support suture system, which uses a series of tiny punctures to implant suture supports without making any incisions. Using the illuminated Suturod®, cutting-edge, patented ICELED® technology precisely places sutures across the muscle and beneath the skin to connect your underlying muscles together. Due to the minor tissue trauma caused by the use of ICLED®, most patients experience quick healing with slight bruising or swelling.

Achieve that Snatched Look

MyEllevate Recovery, Results, and Aftercare

You may experience minor swelling for two to three days after your procedure. The healing process involves little to no pain, but patients must wear a chin strap for about a week and can resume regular activity after one week, and will experience their full benefits after around three weeks. But for up to two weeks, it's essential to refrain from any hard lifting and demanding exercise.


Maintaining your MyEllevate results

With MyEllevate Boca Raton patients can enjoy a sharp, defined jawline and improved neck contouring. After your treatment, you might feel some slight discomfort and swelling, but you'll start to see benefits right away. Results can last up to five years or longer, but it's crucial that you shield your neck from the sun to minimize the aging process.

Boca Raton MyEllevate model with doctor

MyEllevate Frequently Asked Questions

Your discomfort and pain are minor. During the MyEllevate procedure, you will be given general anesthesia and will not feel any pain. You experience some redness or slight edema after surgery. It is possible to ease any discomfort with over-the-counter medicines.

Each cosmetic surgery performed at The Optimization Centre in Boca Raton is individualized. Dr. Albert will collaborate with you to evaluate your cosmetic objectives and select the optimum treatment plan. During your meeting, he will discuss your procedure's cost. The Optimization Centre offers convenient payment and financing alternatives.

During your consultation with Dr. Albert, he will review your surgical options. MyEllevate is occasionally used in conjunction with liposuction, Kybella, and laser skin resurfacing. Learn more by arranging an appointment at this time.

MyEllevate and The Zoom Lift are the same concepts. The Zoom Lift was featured in the December 2020 issue of Elle with the headline "Meet the Zoom Lift." Here is the MyEllevate article if you're interested.

Schedule Your Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Consultation Today

First impressions are important whether you're Zooming into a presentation or flying to a special event. The Optimization CentreTM in Boca Raton is where you can get information about the life-changing improvements of plastic surgery and aesthetic treatments. As a pioneering plastic surgeon and highly sought-after educator, patients from all over the world seek out Dr. Gregory Albert, and you can join them in benefiting from his experience and talent. Plan your consultation with Dr. Albert today.

3010 N. Military Trail, Suite 200, Boca Raton, FL 33431

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