(561) 495-2700 Appointment

Arm Lift in Boca Raton, FL

Remove Excess Skin and Fat

Conveniently located to serve Boca Raton, FL

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes loose, excess skin and fat from the upper arm. While Brachioplasty is not a new procedure, arm lifts are seeing a surge in popularity because of how effectively they improve the overall look of the arms and create firmer, more youthful contours. (1) And in the hands of an expert surgeon, patients don't have to exchange slender arms for noticeable scarring. Weight loss, getting older, and genetics can all cause the skin of our upper arms to sag. But even though it happens naturally and is a common occurrence, no one wants "bat wings" or "bingo arms"! Worse still, there is no amount of arm exercises or laser technology that will tighten excess skin. Only surgery can permanently correct the condition and create a sleeker arm profile.

Dr. Gregory Albert is a leading authority on arm lifts and has perfected the art of creating incisions that when healed, are virtually invisible. He performs full incision arm lifts and mini arm lifts, in which incisions are precisely placed to be completely hidden. If you're discouraged by the appearance of your upper arms, there's no reason not to take action. Dr. Albert has done arm lifts on patients as young as 20 to women in their 80s. This procedure is helpful to all ages, and after patients have the procedure, they have the ability and confidence to wear sleeveless shirts again. Schedule an appointment for a personal consultation with Dr. Albert at the Optimization Centre for an Arm Lift in Boca Raton. You can reach our offices by calling (561) 495-2700. Or, fill out an online contact form at your convenience, and we'll be in touch.

Remove Excess Skin From The Arm

About Arm Lifts (Brachioplasty)

Brachioplasty surgically removes excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper arm. Typically, an incision is made from the elbow to the armpit on the inner arm. This allows the surgeon to excise the surplus tissue, and eliminate sagging. An Arm Lift is a surgical procedure that:

  • Reduces excess sagging skin that droops downward
  • Tightens and smoothes the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm
  • Reduces localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region

Mini arm lifts can be used for less severe cases, and utilize a shorter incision. The results allow men and women alike to feel more confident in sleeveless clothing and enjoy the fit of their clothing with sleeves. And apart from the cosmetic benefits, a Brachioplasty can help those who have undergone massive weight loss to improve comfort and mobility as they celebrate nearing the end of their weight loss journey. Arm lifts can also be combined with Power-Assisted-Liposuction (PAL) to allow for additional fat removal and to sculpt slender arms with enhanced musculature, and to eliminate excess fat in the armpits for smooth, even, proportionate results.

Boca Raton arm lift model in blue swimsuit

Experience The Best

Why Choose Dr. Albert

Early in Dr. Albert's plastic surgery career, it was obvious that arms were a problematic area for women - and there were not a lot of solutions available. It seemed like every female patient wanted their arms tightened but complained that it was not possible to do without an unsightly scar. One of the reasons Dr. Albert sees so many patients with problematic arms is that in sunny South Florida, the weather is hot year-round, and women want to wear sleeveless shirts and dresses. If Dr. Albert practiced in Chicago, he would not have this kind of demand! Nevertheless, one of the reasons Dr. Albert went into medicine was that he always loved new challenges, and solving problems. So, treating arms became a passion. Dr. Albert developed a unique minimal incision Arm Lift technique that he incorporated from minimal incision surgeries on the breasts and face. The minimal incision arm lift became a success and allowed patients to start wearing short sleeves and sleeveless clothing that they would never have thought about wearing before. While perfecting the mini-incision arm lift, Dr. Albert was also developing advancements in full arm lifts.

In order to be a great arm lift surgeon, you must know how to treat all types of arms. Women have varying concerns when it comes to their arms. There are certain wrinkles that are treated with the mini arm lift that cannot be treated with the full arm lift - and vice versa. Dr. Albert has extensive experience evaluating and treating women's arms and knows which type of arm lifting procedure will address each patient's unique expectations. Dr. Albert can address arms of all sizes, as well as concerns of crepey skin and cellulite. Because he takes the entire appearance of the arm into consideration, patients enjoy natural-looking, even proportions, smooth results, and minimal, nearly invisible incisions. Another contributing factor to Dr. Albert's exceptional results is that he dedicates ample time to listening carefully to each patient's concerns so that he truly understands what their objectives are. When three news stations wanted to interview Dr. Albert about his minimal incision arm lift, he knew that he was meeting and exceeding his patient's expectations. That year Dr. Albert was featured on ABC, NBC, and CBS:

  • 2004 Channel 10 ABC Miami News Segment with Amber Statler
  • 2004 Channel 5 NBC West Palm Beach News Segment with Roxanne Stein
  • 2004 Channel 4 CBS Miami News Segment with Dr. Sean Kenniff
  • Once again, Dr. Albert was also featured in the Sun Sentinel in 2015 for his Arm Lifts.

Arm Lift Procedures

Full Arm Lift

A full upper Arm Lift is ideal for patients with significant amounts of sagging fat and skin, as frequently seen after extreme weight loss. It reshapes the upper arm from the armpit to the elbow. The technique removes the skin and fatty tissue that hangs droopily from the upper arm and tightens the remaining skin for a firmer feel and appearance.

Mini Arm Lift

In some cases, a traditional arm lift with a longer incision is needed to achieve the best results. However, with the minimal incision arm lift surgery, the incision is placed within the Axilla and normal creases of the armpit so that it is virtually invisible. This Boca Raton Arm Lift procedure is ideal for patients who have moderate amounts of sagging skin as a result of aging, or who have lost weight but do not have a considerable amount of fat to remove. Dr. Albert’s wealth of experience allows him to strategically anchor the sutures in order to get the most lift. A mini arm lift can achieve desirable improvements in appearance and self-confidence.


Liposuction is used to reshape a patient's arms by removing fat deposits. For patients with good skin elasticity, and little excess skin, liposuction can be an effective alternative to a surgical Arm Lift. The incisions are small and can be strategically placed to conceal any evidence of the procedure. About 30% of women have an abnormally high amount of fat deposits in their arms. Most of these women have difficulty fitting into clothing well.

Additional Reading

Patients with a significant amount of fat can have shapely and tighter arms when liposuction is done correctly. With a special feathering technique that involves circumferentially liposuctioning the arm and axilla, the skin will tighten and re-drape for a firmer, more sculpted appearance. It also alleviates the tension caused by excess fatty tissue, so that incisions are able to heal more efficiently, and without prominent scarring. As he removes the fat with power-assisted liposuction, Dr. Albert uses his artistic eye and highly-developed technical skill to ensure that the upper and lower arms are proportionate and that the natural musculature of the arm is accentuated.

Addressing Arm Skin Concerns

For many patients, sun damage and the aging process have affected the appearance of the skin on their arms. Crepey, thin arm skin can be firmed and fortified with percutaneous collagen induction therapy, or microneedling. Additional collagen production as well as skin resurfacing can be performed by incorporating treatments with the state-of-the-art Lumenis CO2Laser..


Patients may be good candidates for CoolSculpting if they are unable to undergo surgery, or prefer to have a non-invasive procedure. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that targets fat cells underneath the skin using a specially-designed applicator. This technology emits deep cooling to specific areas of the body, in this case throughout the upper arms. This process eventually freezes the fat cells away to gradually reveal a more sculpted, toned arm shape.

Enjoy Numerous Benefits


With Brachioplasty, or an Arm Lift Boca Raton patients are provided with numerous benefits, which may include:

  • A sleek, toned, well-proportioned arm profile
  • Reduced skin irritation from clothes rubbing against skin
  • Improved mobility when exercising and other performing other physical activities
  • Ability to wear a wider variety of clothes
  • An increase in self-esteem

Patients experience high satisfaction from this low-risk surgery. In one study, for example, 94% of participants expressed experiencing higher self-esteem and also said they would undergo the procedure again. (2)

Boca Raton office of Dr. Gregory Albert Plastic Surgeon

Over 20 Years of Experience

How Long Has Dr. Albert Been Performing Arm Lifts?

Dr. Albert has been performing arm lifts for over 20 years. Arm shaping surgery is rewarding because most patients still do not believe it is possible for their arms to look so good. “Often times patients find me after they have been on other consultations and they were told it is not possible to do without a bad or unsightly scar.” They are relieved when Dr. Albert shows them his before and after photos that show all different types of arms and the results. Depending upon the patient’s desires, he will also review liposuction vs. mini arm lift vs. full arm lift vs. elbow lift and what they can accomplish.

Ideal Candidates

Arm Lift Candidates

If you experience sagging or drooping of arm skin due to aging, weight loss, or genetics, you have options. Ideal candidates are in good health, at a stable weight, and do not have medical conditions that could cause complications. Patients should be committed to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. You may not be a good candidate for Arm Lift surgery if you smoke, are obese, have a connective tissue disease, or if you have diabetes. (3) If you seek a nonsurgical, noninvasive solution to excess arm fat, you may want to consider CoolSculpting, which also does not preclude smokers from undergoing the procedure.

Discuss Your Options

Personal Consultation for Arm Lift Surgery in Boca Raton

Dr. Albert can tell you that 90% of his Boca Raton Arm Lift consults start out with the patient telling him it cannot be done without an ugly scar. However, most of the time they are under this impression after seeing another plastic surgeon or from a patient who underwent an arm lift at another practice. Arm lifts can achieve a natural contour and significantly lessen the appearance of wrinkles and cellulite without leaving unsightly scars. After carefully discussing the patient's goals and examining their arms, Dr. Albert will be able to recommend the best course of action. Dr. Albert will show the candidate before and after photos from a wide range of cases; some with incredible results, some with good results, and some with average results.

His goal is to make sure the patient understands that the scar from an arm lift can in fact heal very well. If the patient is hesitant about a full arm lift, he can discuss starting with a mini arm lift since they will still get some improvement from that procedure. And, a full arm lift can always be performed later if further improvement is desired. Dr. Albert makes sure that he understands what the patient wants, and that the patient understands what the procedures can do. During this one-on-one consultation, he will listen empathetically to your goals for your arms and explain the solutions available. If you are ready to take the next step toward well-proportioned upper arms that inspire confidence, contact the Optimization Centre in Boca Raton by calling (561) 495-2700. Visit our blog to learn more about the variety of plastic surgery procedures we offer in addition to Arm Lift surgery.

Boca Raton arm lift model with blonde hair

The Key to a Successful Procedure


Ample preparation is key to having a successful procedure and post-operative recovery. Helpful tips to follow include:

  • Prefill postoperative prescriptions.
  • Arrange transportation to and from the facility.
  • Pre-arrange care from another adult for 24 to 48 hours after surgery.
  • Get extra pillows to be able to elevate arms when resting.
  • Get a good night’s sleep the night before your surgical procedure.
  • Have loose-fitting clothes to wear during recovery.
  • Prior to the procedure, review medications and medical history with your surgeon to avoid allergic reactions, side effects, or complications.

Have A Successful Procedure

Arm Lift Procedure

Brachioplasty can be performed using IV sedation and local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's needs and preferences. Once it has taken effect, Dr. Albert will make the necessary incisions. The length and location of the incision will depend on whether liposuction is being performed, the amount of skin to be removed, and the specific areas to be addressed. Once he has made the necessary adjustments, he will place sutures in the underlying tissues, and after redraping and excising any redundant skin, close the incisions. Dr. Albert will provide detailed post-operative instructions that you should follow to ensure an optimal recovery experience. You will be discharged the same day after your surgery to your pre-arranged caretaker.

Boca Raton arm lift model with brown hair

Post-Surgery Care

Post-Operative Garment

Dr. Albert has also developed a special post-surgery garment for the best results. He found that the arm, chest, and breast proportions made it difficult for patients to fit into the standard garments correctly without challenges to recovery. Depending on which arm procedure you will undergo and your particular build, Dr. Albert will fit you for a garment that will facilitate optimal healing. This supportive garment protects the treated upper arm and armpit, and extends to the wrist in order to promote healthy circulation in the entire arm. This garment is worn for 2-3 weeks after surgery, and then at night only until Dr. Albert advises otherwise. Patients are surprised to hear that the recovery and getting back to work is only 3-5 days. We do provide pain medications, but most of the time patients do not describe severe pain, yet more discomfort and soreness. Our Boca Raton Arm Lift patients are encouraged to engage in light physical activity to maintain healthy circulation and facilitate healing. Avoid strenuous activity for at least six weeks.

Get the Very Best Results

Incision Care

Yet another benefit of choosing the Optimization Centre and Dr. Albert for an Arm Lift is his specialized approach to incision care, which further minimizes the appearance of any remaining scarring once the incisions have healed. Patients are given a medical-grade, proprietary scar cream that Dr. Albert developed to ensure the very best results for his patients. Patients are also given silicone strips to protect and promote rapid healing and undetectable scarring.

Boca Raton arm lift model with brown hair

Procedure Cost

How Much Does an Arm Lift Cost in Florida?

The cost of brachioplasty varies slightly from patient to patient, depending on the details of their treatment plan. Factors that impact cost include anesthesia, operating room fees, and the Arm Lift procedure being performed. We will be happy to provide an accurate cost estimate for the procedure following your personal consultation. Please set up a consultation today at Optimization Centre by calling (561) 495-2700, or by filling out a short online form.


  1. Miotto, G., Ortiz-Pomales, Y. Arm Contouring: Review and Current Concepts. (2018) Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 38(8): 850-860. National Library of Medicine
  2. Symbas, J.D., Losken, A. An outcome analysis of brachioplasty techniques following massive weight loss. (2010). Annals of Plastic Surgery, 64(5): 588-91. National Library of Medicine
  3. Sisti, A., Cuomo, R., Milonia, L., Tassinari, J., Castagna, A., Brandi, C., Grimaldi, L., D'Aniello, C., Nisi, G. (2018). Complications associated with brachioplasty: a literature review. Acta Biomedica, 88(4): 393-402. National Library of Medicine

Schedule Your Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Consultation Today

First impressions are important whether you're Zooming into a presentation or flying to a special event. The Optimization CentreTM in Boca Raton is where you can get information about the life-changing improvements of plastic surgery and aesthetic treatments. As a pioneering plastic surgeon and highly sought-after educator, patients from all over the world seek out Dr. Gregory Albert, and you can join them in benefiting from his experience and talent. Plan your consultation with Dr. Albert today.

3010 N. Military Trail, Suite 200, Boca Raton, FL 33431

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